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Fascinating Facts About Diamonds You Didn't Know
Diamonds are not just beautiful; they are fascinating! Did you know that diamonds are made of pure carbon and are the hardest natural substance on Earth? They form under extreme heat and pressure, deep within the Earth's mantle. Diamonds come in various colors, with the rarest being red, blue, and green. Interestingly, most diamonds we see are over a billion years old. Their sparkle comes from the way they reflect light through their many facets. Whether for engagement rings or as collectibles, diamonds remain a symbol of elegance, luxury, and timeless beauty!
Store Location:
25 Cabot Square, Canary Wharf, London, England E14 4QZ (United Kingdom)
Phone No. : +44 02045118573
Whatsapp: +44-7923220974
Email: info@mddiamondsandjewellers.co.uk